To display off-chain metadata of SPL tokens, the on-chain struct needs to contain a uri as described above, allowing Solflare to find it.

Solflare uses the JSON standard as described in the Metaplex Developer Guide.

Solflare also supports additional optional fields, such as the attributes field, as described in the OpenSea NFT Standard.

You can use the file below as a reference.

JSON Structure

  "name": "Solflare X NFT",
  "symbol": "",
  "description": "Celebratory Solflare NFT for the Solflare X launch",
  "seller_fee_basis_points": 0,
  "image": "https://www.arweave.net/abcd5678?ext=png",
  "animation_url": "https://www.arweave.net/efgh1234?ext=mp4",
  "external_url": "https://solflare.com",
  "attributes": [
      "trait_type": "web",
      "value": "yes"
      "trait_type": "mobile",
      "value": "yes"
      "trait_type": "extension",
      "value": "yes"
  "collection": {
     "name": "Solflare X NFT",
     "family": "Solflare" 
  "properties": {
    "files": [
        "uri": "https://www.arweave.net/abcd5678?ext=png",
        "type": "image/png"
        "uri": "https://watch.videodelivery.net/9876jkl",
        "type": "unknown",
        "cdn": true
        "uri": "https://www.arweave.net/efgh1234?ext=mp4",
        "type": "video/mp4"
    "category": "video",
    "creators": [
        "address": "SOLFLR15asd9d21325bsadythp547912501b",
        "share": 100

For the fields that match the on-chain metadata, on-chain information has priority.

  • description - Human readable description of the asset.

  • image - URL to the image of the asset. PNG, GIF, and JPG file formats are supported. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.

  • animation_url - URL to a multi-media attachment of the asset. The supported file formats are MP4 and MOV for video, MP3, FLAC, and WAV for audio, and GLB for AR/3D assets. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.

  • external_url - URL to an external application or website where users can also view the asset.

  • properties.category - Supported categories:

    • "image" - PNG, GIF, JPG

    • "video" - MP4, MOV

    • "audio" - MP3, FLAC, WAV

    • "vr" - 3D models; GLB, GLTF

  • properties.files - Object array, where an object should contain the uri and type of the file that is part of the asset. The type should match the file extension. The array will also include files specified in image and animation_url fields, and any other that is associated with the asset. You may use the ?ext={file_extension} query to provide information on the file type.

  • attributes - Object array, where an object should contain trait_type and value fields. value can be a string or a number.

Last updated